It's "Talk Like a Pirate Day"  

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And now, for something completely different:


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[Warning: this post might gross some of my readers of a more delicate composure out. Read at your own risk.]

This is not about the "shiny" moment that has someone yell "deer!" or "snake!" or "squirrel!" when you're driving down the road (although that can be a fun game). No, this is all about breakfast. Having been left to the care of the children while the Blushing Bride meets her sister with their grandma so that the sister and grandma can have a week's worth of road trip (scary! could be lots of squirrel sightings on this one) to Texas, I decided to make everyone's favorite breakfast food - cinnamon rolls!

To begin with, we were out of pecans, so I had to substitute the sliced almonds that I found (satisfactory substitution). Then I remembered the Bride saying just yesterday morning that we were out of powdered sugar. That means no icing (and while good, these cinnamon rolls need icing or they are dry!). By the time that the rolls were done I figured our local market would be open so I could get some powdered sugar to make the glaze for them. As we left the house, this is what Little Bit saw:

She said, "How sad!" We decided that one of the neighbor's cats has adopted us as a place to deposit gifts.

For those who wonder: The powdered sugar glaze turned out very well. As always, I started with just the right amount of powdered sugar and vanilla, but overdid the milk. This requires adding sugar until the consistency is just right--which results in about twice as much glaze as is necessary for the just over one dozen rolls. Word to the wise: go easy on the milk!

And now for the clean up.

And Yet Another Hero Joins His Hero  

Posted by Benjie in , , ,

I read today where another of my professor/mentors has entered into the presence of the One he loved most on this Earth. Sadly, we say good-bye to Dr. Fish--one of the most authentic witnesses I have had the pleasure to know. (Read the story here.)

If evangelism is a passion, Roy Fish knew this passion well.

Happy Labor Day, One and All!  

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