Spell "Laodicean"  

Posted by Benjie in ,

Congratulations to Kavya Shivashankar. The thirteen-year-old from Kansas who spelled all her words out in her hand as she spelled her way to the national championship this year.

Read about it here.

I just received word from Lulu.com that my sermon collection, So, This Is Church, has been selected for listing in their new Amazon Marketplace program. What this means is that I'll get a little more exposure for that particular title, and perhaps more sales.

For the uninformed, So, This Is Church is a collection of sermons dealing with foundational issues of the local church and her practices. Chapters deal with the Foundation of the Church itself (Christ and His gospel), worship, evangelism, fellowship, and the like. Interested? Hop on over to Amazon.com and take a gander. 

Issues with the program include a price hike to accommodate Amazon's cut and still ensure Lulu gets theirs and they can still produce the book with a tad leftover for me (the author/publisher). If  you want the best price on the book, purchase it at my Lulu.com store. And have a great day.

Remember . . .  

Posted by Benjie in ,

And say, "Thanks!"

Happy Mother's Day . . .  

Posted by Benjie in ,

To all you Mothers out there. Here's a cup from me.

Bubba's Baptism  

Posted by Benjie in , ,

Today, I baptized my son while his mom, sisters, and Poppi looked on . . .