The Green-Eyed Monster  

Posted by Benjie in , ,

I must admit that I have been a little jealous as of late. I'm prone to it, being a preacher and all. The earliest bouts with the green-eyed monster that I can recall had to do with having to share my friends with my siblings. It seemed they always had more than me. This carried itself over into the same kind of jealousy that many preachers of my ilk suffer--church envy. Yes, we have it, whether we admit it or not.

Here's the way it works: You search for a church to serve diligently until you receive a call from one and accept. Three months at the new field and you are dissatisfied. Why? Because the people are acting like people, not like the dream location you expected. You dust off the resume and start fishing it around again. After all, you're just as good a preacher--no better than--as your old college/seminary buddy who was just called to serve in a church twice the size of yours. The age-old green-eye question: Why do more people show up to his services than mine? What's he got that I haven't got?

Well, having dealt with these eminations of the jealousy bug, I've been hit again. And it's all because I discovered the land of blog. So the question I kept asking was, "Why do they have more readers/commenters than I do?"

Then it dawned on me. The people who have lots and lots of comments have a way with words--the way is to ask questions loaded with controversy or to post highly emotion-filled articles on their blogspots. Hey, that's not me! I can still just park my random thoughts and blatherings here. A few will find them interesting, many will pass over them, and once in a while I'll strike a chord with someone and they'll leave a note (Thanks Josh).

So dragon of jealousy, I slay you once again.

Ya'll have a nice day now, ya heah!

This entry was posted on 03 May 2007 at 4:33 PM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

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