Barb Orlowski is hard at work doing research for her Doctor of Ministry degree. She is a candidate at A.C.T.S. Seminaries in Canada. Below you will find two request letters from Barb. First is a request outlining the type of people she needs to respond to research polls. The second letter is to pastors who might be helpful in the process as well. Read the notes. Then contact Barb if you can help. Also, if you operate a blog and could help get the word out, Barb would be most appreciative.
Hi Everyone,
I trust that you had a great summer. We enjoyed hiking a lot, especially in the alpine meadows among gorgeous and colorful wild flowers. It was amazing and we were filled with thanksgiving to God. I am back at my research desk and ready to step up the pace of my dissertation investigation. It is time to get the word out and request contributions from participants regarding this stimulating area of research.
The following are two “request for help” letters. I have prepared two questionnaires. One survey is for those who have experienced this situation in their church life and the other is for pastors who have been able to provide comfort and spiritual guidance to those who have come to them for help. If the following criteria describe you, I would welcome your participation in this study.
Thanks so much, Barb Orlowski
Request Letter No. 1
Request for Help for Potential Participants:
Hi Everyone, Sept. 2007
My name is Barb Orlowski. I am on the Doctor of Ministry program at A.C.T.S. Seminaries in Langley, B.C., Canada. In order to conduct the research necessary to complete my dissertation, I could use your help. I am conducting a survey among Christians who have experienced emotional and spiritual distress under authoritarian and controlling church leaders and have recovered from this experience.
Here are the criteria that I am looking for in participants:
1. Christians who have experienced emotional and spiritual distress under authoritarian and controlling church leaders and who have ceased to be associated with those congregations;
2. Christians who subsequently have recognized and processed their spiritual grief and pain and have experienced spiritual recovery;
3. Christians who are willing to share how they have processed their negative experience and have recovered spiritual harmony; those who can share what has happened since this painful episode. Christians who can answer this question: What factors have helped you to restore your confidence in God and His people?
If people feel that they fit the criteria for this study, please contact me.
I will give you further details about this study, and then I will send you the questionnaire along with the consent information. The responses given by those participating will be kept confidential. Your responses will be put in anonymous form and may be kept for further use after the completion of this study.
Thank you for your interest and participation in this study. I appreciate the time and effort that it takes to complete a questionnaire.
In Him, Barb
Barb’s contact email:
* Comments and questions are welcome.
· When you respond to this request by emailing me
· *please let me know which site you saw this information. Thanks.
Request Letter No. 2
Request for Help from Pastors:
Greetings, Sept. 2007
I am student enrolled in the A.C.T.S. Doctor of Ministry program in Langley, B.C., Canada. In order to conduct the research necessary to complete my dissertation, I need the assistance of pastoral leaders. I could use your help with my research. I realize that you probably receive frequent requests to fill out surveys, but I would invite you to take a few minutes, complete a questionnaire and return it to me. This would be a significant help.
I am looking for pastors who have endeavored to provide spiritual guidance and help for the following people:
Christians who have experienced emotional and spiritual distress under authoritarian and controlling church leaders and who have ceased to be associated with those congregations.
There are many Christians who have faced the untimely distress of this particular yet widespread phenomenon. Many have simply left the church, while others have made an effort to reintegrate into a local church setting. It has taken courage for them to desire to reconnect with a pastor and seek their assistance in processing their grief and disillusionment with previous church leaders.
I would appreciate hearing how you, as a pastor, have provided spiritual guidance and encouragement for individuals who have faced this type of emotional and spiritual pain at the hands of those that they had trusted as their spiritual leaders. I believe that your insights would provide pertinent and helpful data for this study.
The information you give will be kept confidential. Any use of your responses in my dissertation will be put in anonymous form, but may be kept for further use after the completion of this study. If ever needed, I will ask for your permission to quote you.
Thank you for your interest and participation in this research. I appreciate the time and effort that it takes to complete a questionnaire.
Thanks, Barb Email Address:
* Comments and questions are welcome.
· When you respond to this request by emailing me--
· *please let me know which site you saw this information. Thanks.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
11 hours ago