Before you get all hot and bothered and upset that I haven't looked at my calendar lately, just remember that you're dealing with what I affectionately call "Benjie Logic" which includes some wonderful twists and turns. Here's how it works -
Valentine's Day is always on the 14th. Today is the 14th Anniversary of the day that my Valentine became my permanent Valentine before God, witnesses, and the pronouncement from the mouths of two fathers (hers and mine).
So, Happy Valentine's Day, my Blushing Bride. Here's looking forward to 144 more such days.
We now have our son home with us. And we are still raising
funds. Ahead are post-placement visits from our home study agency as well as
the cost of adoption finalization. While we are not familiar or sure about the
total cost, we know that we need nearly $1000 more rather quickly for the
post-placement visits.
So, here is a proposal: I have listed two items on eBay to
help raise some of the needed funds, and if you are interested you can view and
bid on these items. Both of the items have a special significance which I will
describe here with a link to each auction.
couple of years ago, I gave my dear friend, Dave, a copy of What Is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert.
I was able to get the author to sign the book (the inscription reads:
“To Dave—
May God make His Gospel precious to you!
Since then, my friend passed away, and the book found its
way back into my hands. Knowing how supportive of our adoption efforts Dave had
been, his wife has graciously given her permission for us to use this item as
part of our fund-raising efforts. In this way we can make Dave a bigger part of
our process. (Read my thoughts on the book here.) The book lists with a 99 cent starting bid, and we would love to
see the bidding go through the roof, so bid early, bid high, and bid often.
from Dave’s collection is a set of “Operation Desert Shield” trading cards
(vintage 1991 from Pacific Trading Cards). While these are not boxed, the
set includes all the cards numbered 1-110, and are in excellent condition.
Again the starting bid is 99 cents, but we would love to honor our dear
friend’s memory by saying that his items helped finalize our adoption process.
Thanks for reading; thanks for clicking the links; and
thanks for bidding.
But there are a couple of entries at both ends of the top ten that may surprise you.
Word Police: Jethro Bodine Gradiated Sixth Grade!
Posted by Benjie in Graduation, Latin, OBU, Word Police
I will admit that this one has had me struggling for a number of years and when I read an article where one of my well-respected mentors used the word this way, I began to doubt whether I really did understand the meaning.
Let me state here that I am no Latin scholar, and we are dealing with Latin words (or at least words with Latin roots--and the roots ought to be showing by now) so I can still be corrected. However, I did take the trouble to look it up in my daughter's desk dictionary before starting the rant.
When someone graduates from an institution, he (note the gender here) becomes an alumnus. If he happens to be a she, her distinctive becomes alumna.
A group of these distinguished persons becomes alumni (used for all men or a mix of men and women), unless of course the entire group is female. In the case of a female gender-specific group of graduates, we will refer to them as alumnae.
That's simple, isn't it? Well, not so fast. The modern proclivity to abbreviate everything has people referring to me as an alum of Oklahoma Baptist University (I am, by the way, an alumnus of that wonderful institution). But, and I did look it up, alum is an aluminum-based compound often used in medicine to stop bleeding.
The disheartening thing about this is that people who are alumni keep referring to themselves with this incorrect designation.
Let me state here that I am no Latin scholar, and we are dealing with Latin words (or at least words with Latin roots--and the roots ought to be showing by now) so I can still be corrected. However, I did take the trouble to look it up in my daughter's desk dictionary before starting the rant.
When someone graduates from an institution, he (note the gender here) becomes an alumnus. If he happens to be a she, her distinctive becomes alumna.
A group of these distinguished persons becomes alumni (used for all men or a mix of men and women), unless of course the entire group is female. In the case of a female gender-specific group of graduates, we will refer to them as alumnae.
That's simple, isn't it? Well, not so fast. The modern proclivity to abbreviate everything has people referring to me as an alum of Oklahoma Baptist University (I am, by the way, an alumnus of that wonderful institution). But, and I did look it up, alum is an aluminum-based compound often used in medicine to stop bleeding.
The disheartening thing about this is that people who are alumni keep referring to themselves with this incorrect designation.
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- Benjie
- . . . is a former English teacher, a former youth minister, a former missionary, and a current pastor. He is married with three children.
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