An Annoying, Tagless Meme  

Posted by Benjie in , ,

A couple of days ago, Josh started a meme in which you post two things that most annoy you. Then he refused to tag anyone specifically--perhaps to avoid "being tagged for a meme" as an annoyance. Anyway, just to gripe, I'll post my annoyances now:

  1. Telemarketers. I know that people are just doing their job, and that their bosses are just trying to make money, but they always seem to call when I (a) am eating supper, (b) am sitting down to relax after a long day, or (c) have just gotten the kids to bed and have some time with my blushing bride.

  2. Having to wait (wait, wait, wait) when I've made an appointment. I make appointments because my time is valuable, too. This is especially irksome when I'm having to pay for the privilege of seeing the person with whom I've made the appointment.

So there you have it. If you'd like to participate, just add a comment with your gripes here, or post yours and leave me a note that you've done so.

This entry was posted on 23 May 2007 at 4:05 PM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

1 Reader Response(s)


Haha... thanks for playing.

5:31 PM

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