I love Christmas movies. I'm looking forward to a number of them to brighten the holidays.I've already seen my first Christmas movie of the year--the third installment of the Santa Clause saga. This time (following the original "Santa clause" and the "Mrs. clause") we are introduced to the "Escape clause," a means by which Santa (Tim Allen) can make time go back so that he is no longer Santa, opening the way for Jack Frost (Martin Short) to take over as the new Santa Claus. The story combines ideas from the first two movies with Christmas classics like It's a Wonderful Life (what would the world be like if . . .) to draw in the viewer. This is decidedly the best of the three movies, though it requires the back story of the first two to lend it creedence.
I also intend to see The Nativity Story. I undestand that there are already those who are trying to develop controversy around the movie, but I've been impressed with the trailers which seem to indicate that it will be a pretty good handling of the Story itself.
I'm also looking forward to cozying up in front of the television with the family to re-introduce the kids to some of my favorites: It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (Natalie Wood version), White Christmas, and others. What are your favorites? Do you enjoy a good holiday story? I was disappointed the other night in the Hallmark offering Candles on Bay Street because I was expecting Christmas faire, and found only your everyday garden Hallmark tear-jerker. This is not bad in and of itself, but is disappointing when you want to weep to a story centered around either the Christmas story or the emotion of the season.
What is the must-see classic for you? Does it center on the Birth of Christ, the legend of Santa? Is it a tear-jerker, a show-stopper, or a knee-slapper?
Arrogance & Eloquence
23 hours ago