The Season is officially upon us. At my wife's suggestion, I got to put up and decorate the Christmas tree this weekend. I know, I know, you're saying, "It ain't even Thanksgiving, yet!"
Twice in our short married life (six years next week), I've convinced my blushing bride that it's okay to put up the holiday trimmings at the beginning of November--once because we were preparing to go overseas and I wanted to enjoy the festive season as much as possible, and then I got to decorate our apartment in Simferopol, Crimea because we were traveling during the normal decoration time for the birth of our son.

One of my favorite traditions at our house is setting up and decorating the tree. It begins a feeling of festivity within me. Now that the older children are 5 and (almost) 3, they can help to do some of the decorating. I must admit that Curtis' limb has about 10 ornaments on it (right at the bottom), but the tree looks great.
Next week we'll be traveling for Thanksgiving, but we'll get to come home to a tree that is decorated, has an angel on top, and our heirloom nativity reminding us of the greatest gift of Christmas.
More on Christmas traditions as the day comes nearer. For now, do you have any Thanksgiving or Christmas traditions that have deep roots in your family? Any that you started as a result of becoming a new family?
Here's one last traditional Christmas tree that you might enjoy.

This entry was posted
on 18 November 2006
at 7:43 PM
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