One of the most vivid vacation memories I have is when we went camping in the Smoky Mountains. What makes the memories so lasting is that we camped for a week in a pop-up trailer at a campground. Part of the time we went to Bible School while our parents were at the Southern Baptist Convention that year.
Most memorable was the shower locate just down the road from our campsite. Men's facilities were on onc side of the building, Ladies' on the other, with a dog-run in between. What made the shower so great was that the front was even with the trail leading to it, but the back had a four foot drop right off of the dog-run. This is a great place for six and seven year old boys. My brother and I (at the urging, I'm sure, of our older brother) would run down the path, through the dog-run, and soar out over the wilderness behind the building.
It was all fun and games until my younger brother tripped up at the last minute and landed head down instead of on his feet. The rock he hit was less than forgiving and Andy ended up with a head full of stitches. By the next day he was up and running again, but no more launching off the dog-run.
I think this was the same trip that we stopped at Santa Land and talked to Santa Claus (IN JUNE). He told my older brother that he looked like the bad little elf. He does have a list--and he reads it!
Any interesting vacations out there?
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago