Whenever I think about extended family, the first picture jumping to mind is the Waltons. Three generations of one family living together under the roof of the rambling farmhouse--the third generation being a rambling number of children. When many of the children began their own families, instead of actually moving out, they built a cottage on the property. Some went into the family business, others branched out, and a few even got away from Walton's Mountain--if only to discover that they had strong apron strings pulling them back whenever they had a moment.
Then my mind's eye turns itself upon my own extended family, rife with preachers and teachers. As I look at my paternal tree, I discover that I am one of five pastors from four generations, with one cousin who has served (as I have) on the foreign mission field. From my mother's family--other missionaries appear, as well as teacher after teacher after teacher. I was also introduced at one point as an historic preacher when I delivered a sermon at Jonesboro (TX) Baptist Church--according to my uncle who was then pastor of the church, I was the fourth generation from our family to preach from the pulpit of that church. It is interesting to see where the branches of the family tree lead. Without looking deeply, I find two preachers, a missionary, five educators, moving outward to two church music leaders, a lay preacher, and three more teachers. There are educators from pre-kindergarten to the college level, and now a hospital chaplain.
Other interesting fruit borne upon the family tree that dropped me include army, navy, and air force veterans--a former marine as well.
Does your apple fall far from your tree?
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago