I will readily admit that when I first heard John Trent and Gary Smalley try to introduce this concept (whether it's original to them or not I don't know), I couldn't quite grasp it. Of course I was single and just drive a bus for a group going to their marriage conference in St. Louis at the time (it had to be twelve or so years ago).
Since I met my blushing bride, she has assured me that I have no problem speaking in vivid word pictures. The big problem is the pictures that my words draw are often not the ones hanging in the art gallery or even on the refrigerator door. No, the word pictures I use are most often the ones that elicit the response, "Dear!" (drip it with sarcasm).
One of my favorite word pictures comes in the form of a song I learned from a commercial many years ago. Click the link below to enjoy the commercial--this one's for you, Sweetie!
A La Carte (March 6)
21 hours ago