I Am Resolved  

Posted by Benjie in

The old parody of the hymn went, "I am dissolved no longer to linger . . ." The hymn itself was pretty good:

I am resolved no longer to linger
Charmed by the world's delights.
Things that are higher, things that are nobler,
These have allured my sight.

I will hasten, hasten to Him
Hasten so glad and free.
Jesus, greatest, highest
I will come to Thee.

Are we resolved? With the new year looming over us, many people will be resolving. Will you? What will your resolution be? Will you resolve something trivial, something demanding, or something lasting? If I get the chance to make some, I'll be posting my New Year's Resolutions in a day or two.

This entry was posted on 26 December 2006 at 6:54 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

1 Reader Response(s)

I want to lose 20lbs and live a healthier lifestyle (eat less, exercise more, etc).

I think I can do it!

9:34 AM

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