Today people condemn the people who knew Jesus.
They say that they were wrong to kill the Lord.
But they don't realize that they are doing the same
In their own lives,
In their own lives.
What would you do if you could know Jesus?
What would you do if you knew the Lord?
Would you turn Him away?
Say, "Come another day"?
Would you hang Him upon a tree to die in agony?
What would you do if you could know Jesus?
If you knew the Lord, my friend,
What would you do?
Don't be one to condemn those that you have never known.
Don't you be the guy who puts everybody down.
Please don't point out the sin, even in the best of men,
'Cause you're no better
Than the worst of them.
What would you do if you could know Jesus?
What would you do if you knew the Lord?
Would you turn Him away?
Say, "Come another day"?
Would you hang Him upon a tree to die in agony?
What would you do if you could know Jesus?
If you knew the Lord, my friend,
What would you do?
Jesus didn't condemn, although He lived without sin.
Jesus didn't come to bring death for men.
Jesus didn't complain, even as we nailed Him to a tree.
He brought us love,
And life from above.
What would you do if you could know Jesus?
What would you do if you knew the Lord?
Would you turn Him away?
Say, "Come another day"?
Would you hang Him upon a tree to die in agony?
What would you do if you could know Jesus?
If you knew the Lord, my friend,
What would you do?
If you knew the Lord, my friend . . . What would you do?
Yes, this one's a bit preach-y, but (1) I'm a preacher (and was back then), and (2) it's a question that we all need to ask ourselves.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
12 hours ago